SHA算法 – block2016 – 博客园





由于SHA-1已经不太安全,目前SHA-2各版本已成为主流。 继续阅读“SHA算法 – block2016 – 博客园”

[WTB] Teach me to manually create an OP_RETURN tx

Okay, I’ll try. I created f3784ea6df802af5de7bfd8dd6af8eb07cf317b873f09f895586cd09892e897b a few minutes ago and will use this as example.

Start up your Bitcoin-Qt/bitcoind v0.9 client and go Help – Debug. Enter: “getrawtransaction f3784ea6df802af5de7bfd8dd6af8eb07cf317b873f09f895586cd09892e897b”.

You will then see the transaction as hex*: 继续阅读“[WTB] Teach me to manually create an OP_RETURN tx”

How to put custom messages into Bitcoin blockchain – OP_RETURN – Wojciech Programming Blog

I have spent last few days looking very closely at OP_RETURN features. This blogpost summarizes my findings and thoughts.

Bitcoin transactions – recap

Every bitcoin transaction creates outputs (called transaction outputs, sometimes called txout) from one or more transaction inputs. All except one type of these transaction output types will create spendable outputs (called unspent transaction outputs – UTXO), the type that behaves differently is OP_RETURN
The UTXO are tracked and stored by every full node (btcd or bitcoin-core/satoshi client). You can say, that transactions consume inputs and create new outputs. One transaction can contain one or more inputs and one or more outputs.
Transaction outputs have 2 parts:
  • value – how much money you are sending
  • locking script – this can be understand as a set of conditions that allow you to “spend” this output. For example this can be an ownership of a specific private key.

继续阅读“How to put custom messages into Bitcoin blockchain – OP_RETURN – Wojciech Programming Blog”

window下64位BitCoin0.10之后版本的编译 – yhtoo的专栏 – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET

Hi all, I recently went through the process of building bitcoind on windows.

I found the official build-msw.txt to be a bit lacking, so I thought that documenting the steps here on the forums could save some time to people wanting to compile their own windows binary. Wink 继续阅读“window下64位BitCoin0.10之后版本的编译 – yhtoo的专栏 – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET”


如果你有兴趣和我一起探讨有关比特币莱特币开发的东西,可以加我 QQ43299243
就会感觉到无从下手. 其实, 比特币程序是跨平台的.




block的版本 version
上一个block的hash值: prev_hash
需要写入的交易记录的hash树的值: merkle_root
更新时间: ntime
当前难度: nbits 继续阅读“比特币是怎么生成的?”




1. 区块链起源


2015年中国电子商务交易额达20.8万亿,同比增长27%,其中实物商品网上零售额为32424亿元,同比增长31.6%,高于同期社会消费品零售总额增速20.9个百分点,占社会消费品零售总额(30.0931万亿元)的10.8%。 继续阅读“万字长文深入浅出讲述区块链技术细节和运行原理”

山寨币创世块的快速制作 – vs9841 – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET

比特币在工作,首先是通过创世块来启动,所以要制作一个山寨币,首先要解决的第一个问题,就是创建创世块,在网上有大神已经分享了它的创世块工具,一段python脚本,在这个脚本中可以分别对莱特币使用的scrypt加密算法和比特币的使用SHA256进行快速的计算出创世块信息。有了创世块数据,就可以用于打造自己的山寨币了。首先需要准备一台linux系统,最好的方法是,准备一台虚拟机,在虚拟机安装最新的版的linux系统,我安装的是ubuntu14.04.. 继续阅读“山寨币创世块的快速制作 – vs9841 – 博客频道 – CSDN.NET”


通过这个版本,解决了淘京币一直以来让人鄙视的同步速度问题,淘京币的技术帝也能够有空来回复下淘京币的研发过程。 继续阅读“【热门技术贴:淘京币技术帝告诉您-抄袭or创新山寨币需要几个】_山寨币吧_百度贴吧”


在一个香港老式港口的附近,亚洲最大的比特币矿场正在这里悄然将计算机算法转化成为电子货币。这里只不过是一个距离金融中心8英里之遥、拥有2间卧室的公寓。这里除了一个小浴室之外,矿主几乎得不到任何物质上的享受。 继续阅读“[图]探访香港超级比特币工厂:不负亚洲之最盛名”

[XPM] Primecoin High Performance Linux Compilation Guide


Here are some Linux compiling instructions for my high performance version of Primecoin. There are plenty of other guides out there but none of them seem to address all the issues. Now I’m writing my own guide. This should be the definitive guide on how to compile Primecoin on Linux. Commands need to be entered exactly as they appear, so copy and pasting is recommended. 继续阅读“[XPM] Primecoin High Performance Linux Compilation Guide”


泡泡网显卡频道2月9日 距离去年五月份发表的《当互联网遭遇金融!”货币之王”比特币》已经有9个月了,这篇文章系统的介绍了什么是比特币,顺带发表了我对比特币当时的看法。和很多同时期的文章不同,这篇文章全文充满了对比特币的赞赏和期待,以至于我有亲戚朋友看过这篇文章以后纷纷萌发了投机比特币的冲动,甚至包括炒了十几年A股的老爸。(这不是笑话) 继续阅读“误解、怀疑、信仰——我的比特币之路”