***note: i am pretty new to the Linux world. Following different tutorials for the different *coins, i ended up with stuff under the USERNAME and under ROOT. so i relocated, CHMOD’ed a few things and CHOWN’ed things to fall under USERNAME. When running any of the *coind’s, they all seem to download the blocks and create the file structure in the appropriate place; under /home/USERNAME/.*coin/***
I setup a multi-p2pool in Debian. while all the *coind’s (bitcoin, feathercoin, litecoin, namecoin, and terracoin) run fine and download the blocks and all of that, when i run ~/p2pool/run_p2pool.py i get the below error in a constant rotation on all of the different coin pools.
i previously had a bitcoin p2pool running just fine. when i started adding the other *coin pools and trying to organize the files/folders/permissions, i feel i may have messed something up.
2013-05-04 12:19:18.052282 > Error while checking Bitcoin connection: 2013-05-04 12:19:18.052446 > Traceback (most recent call last): 2013-05-04 12:19:18.052532 > Failure: twisted.internet.error.ConnectionRefusedError: Connection was refused by other side: 111: Connection refused.
in the *coin.conf files, they are all fairly cookie cutter configs. one thing i am not sure about is, assigning unique RPC ports and ports.
since the RPC port is local, i imagine i could make it whatever i want as long as the python launch has that same port specified.
now the “port=” im not sure about.
is “port=” just my outbound connection port? or is this something specific?
please advise
heres an example of a *.coin.conf file.
server=1 daemon=1 rpcuser=UNIQUE-USERNAME rpcpassword=UNIQUE-PASSWORD rpcport=3334 port=9334
rpcport=3332 port=9332
rpcport=3333 port=9333
rpcport=3334 port=9334
rpcport=3335 port=9335
and so on.