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I am trying to mount the HDFS file system as per the content in the URL http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.5.1/hadoop-project-dist/hadoop-hdfs/HdfsNfsGateway.html But at the final mount statement, I am getting the I got that output on executing the below command: <code>mount -t nfs -o vers=3,proto=tcp,nolock,noacl <HDFS server name>:/ <existing local directory></p><p></code> I am running the hadoop in a Pseudo Distributed mode. linux hdfs mount |
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1 Answer
up vote 0 down vote |
If you use root to mount nfs at client, for example, you need to add following configuration in core-site.xml under $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/ <code> <property></p><p> <name>hadoop.proxyuser.root.groups</name></p><p> <value>*</value></p><p> </property></p><p> <property></p><p> <name>hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts</name></p><p> <value>*</value></p><p> </property></p><p></code> |
This seems like a question which is better suited over on “serverfault.com”. More linux gurus over there 😉
Nov 6 ’14 at 12:32